Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blazer Bling

I have some great knitting projects that I am SO excited to share but they are Christmas presents so unfortunately I am going to have to wait until after the new year to post them. In the mean time, here is a little crafty project I came up with a little while back....

For months I have been eying those fancy blazers with the snazzy sleeve lining that you can show off by folding over the cuffs. I looked around but just couldn't find what I was looking for in my price range. So, on a whim, I decided to update one of my old blazers and satiate my need for a fun cuff.

I couldn't find the striped fabric that I was looking for so I opted for some zebra print and gold buttons....


Jacket Cuffs

I brought the blazer with me to the fabric store so I could find properly sized buttons and switch them out (without having to make any changes to the button holes). Then I just sewed the zebra print into the sleeves (on top the the existing lining) and VOILA! In just a couple hours, a fresh look for an old blazer.

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