Thursday, November 1, 2012

Spring Sweater (Part 2)

As is my finished sweater and just in time for winter....

I am not entirely happy with the finished product. In a perfect world I would tear out the top half and make it wider so I could have the droopy sleeves that I had envisioned for the sweater and I also WILL need to re-knit the neck as the cast off was waaaay too tight. In the mean time though, here is a good look at my first sweater attempt and as well as a lesson in why patterns might not be such a bad idea after all....

Yarn Used: Mission Falls 136 Merino Superwash
Color: 009 (Red) & 019 (Green)

I have completely lost track of the number of skeins used... maybe 10 at 136 yards each?

The good news is the holiday season is rolling around again and I am confident that I will do much better documentation of my holiday knit gifts than I did last year.(although some of them may not make their debut on this blog until after the new years for obvious reasons)  I have also come up with a new pattern for one project that I am very pleased with so far!

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