Monday, December 10, 2012

Tips to a Beautiful Christmas Tree

In my house, it just doesn't feel like Christmas without a beautiful Christmas tree. Here are my tips and tricks for a beautiful Christmas tree.

Buying and Caring for Your Tree
  • Buy a real tree. I have never found an artificial tree that I couldn't spot from a mile away.  Not only does a real tree smell amaaazing, but the experience of shopping for one can become a family tradition that you will remember forever. 
  • When shopping for your tree, look for one that isn't too bulbous in the middle. A leaner taller tree that isn't too full will allow ornaments to hang nicely without getting caught or sitting on branches below.
  • Always make sure the tree sellers cuts a bit off the bottom of the tree stump, it will help your tree suck up water and last longer, just like when you trip flowers before putting them in water. 
  • When you fill your tree stand for the first time, use warm water...I don't know why. Just do it. And water your tree every or every other day. If you have a fresh tree it will lap up water like dog on a hot day.
Now to the fun part....
Decorating your tree
  • Start with the lights. First of all, make sure your lights have a green cord. Most Christmas lights do but I have a couple of strands with a white cord that stands out like a sore thumb on a tree. I used three strands on my tree but it will vary depending on how big your tree is. After you test your lights to make sure they work, start at the top and loosely wrap your lights in a spiral around the tree draping them on the branches, then go back and tuck the some lights inside the tree and move some higher and lower to eliminate the "string effect" so your lights look like they are floating in the tree instead of on a string. 
  • Once the lights are done, I like to use a wide (2") ribbon as a garland. You don't have to do this, but I think it ties the tree together nicely. Gold and red are great ribbon colors. While I love green and blue in other housewares, you want to choose a color that will contrast with the tree. Also an slightly sheer ribbon will glow when backbit by your lights. Spiral the ribbon around the tree, starting at the top and draping it on branches as you move down the tree. 
  • Now for the best part.. ORNAMENTS! I collect ornaments. If you're just starting out, do not hesitate to just buy a big box of generic ornaments to fill up your tree but as the years go buy, keep an eye out for unique ornaments to add to your collection and gradually they will replace your generic box set. Also, buy a box of clear glass bulbs and hang them deep in the branches to reflect the light and help your tree sparkle. Pick up a box of "icicle" ornaments. The long straight lines stand out on the tree, help reflect the light and add an extra sparkle. When you hang your ornaments, find branches that are strong enough to hold them up so they don't drag it down so far they are sitting on the branch below.
Christmas Tree Icicle Christmas Ornament

  • Once you've hung all your ornaments, top your tree off with a star or an angel, then grab a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy the sight and smell of your tree. 

Beautiful Personal Christmas Tree

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